Judging by the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision and the defeats of Rafael Nadal and the German soccer team, the world passed through a strange portal this past Thursday.
Tag Archives: Oscar Wilde
Portal Fantasies – Nadal Loses, Italy Wins
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged 1Q84, Alices through the Looking-Glass, English Soccer, German Soccer, Haruki Murakami, Importance of Being Earnest, Italian Soccer, Jud, Lewis Carroll, Rafael Nadal, Roger Fedderer, Sports Comments closed
Why Can’t Mitt Fake Authenticity?
Klaus Mann’s novel “Mephisto” applied to Mitt Romney gives us insight into whether can give a strong presidential performance while being inauthentic.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Klaus Mann, Mephisto, Mitt Romney, Picture of Dorian Gray, Presidential race Comments closed
Dorian Gray – Guilty of “Corrupting” Youth
By expanding the way the same-sex community saw themselves, “Picture of Dorian Gray” was indeed guilty of the charges brought against it.
The Vital Importance of Being Gay
It is possible to read a gay subtext into Oscar Wilde’s “Importance of Being Earnest.” For one thing, “Earnest” was slang for homosexual in late 19th century England, and a collection of homosexual verse entitled “Love in Earnest” was written by an Oxford classmate of Wilde.