Kobe is both like and unlike Akela, the Lone Wolf in “The Jungle Books.”
Tag Archives: Rudyard Kipling
Kobe: The Lone Wolf Going Down
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged aging superstars, Jungle Books, Kobe Bryant, NBA, Peyton Manning, Sports Comments closed
Using Kipling to Voice Despair
Roger Cohen of the New York Times turns to a Kipling poem to express his despair about the world.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "The God of the Copybook Headings", conservatism, liberalism, politics Comments closed
A Kipling Response to the V.A. Scandal
Kipling predicted the V.A. scandal in his 1892 poem “Tommy.”
Mowgli, a Tea Party Libertarian?
Although Kipling’s “Jungle Books” sometimes read like a rightwing fantasy, there’s a progressive element as well.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Ayn Rand, Jungle Books, progressive fantasies, reactionary fantasies, social Darwinism, Tea Party Comments closed
Mowgli Upsets Cincinnati Bengals
The Cincinnati Bengals losing to San Diego is like Shere Khan losing to Mowgli.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Cincinnati Bengals, Football, Jungle Book, NFL, Sports Comments closed
A Reminder Not to Forget War’s Ravages
Kipling’s “Recessional” curiously isn’t the imperialistic war poem that would have expected at Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee.
Did Martha Deserve Her Scolding?
A wonderful U. A. Fanthorpe poem tells Mary-Martha story from Mary’s point of view.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Sons of Martha", "Unauthorized Version", Mary and Martha, U. A. Fanthorpe Comments closed