Our looming fiscal cliff can be imagined as Coleridge’s “deep romantic chasm” in “Kubla Khan.”
Monthly Archives: December 2012
The Fiscal Cliff as Kubla Khan’s Chasm
Jesus Lies Enclosed but Fills All Place
John Donne’s poem on the Nativity shows us a way out of our imprisoned existence.
Beckham Bends It Like Achilles
In 2010 Carol Ann Duffy compared Beckham to Achilles after he went down with an injury to his Achilles tendon.
There Is No Friend Like a Sibling
My sons’ special friendship brings to mind Laura and Lizzie’s friendship in “Goblin Market.”
Shakespeare Was Mandela’s Lifeline
A copy of Shakespeare’s works that circulated through apartheid-era prisons shows the Bard providing solace for the prisoners.
Santa Claus in Narnia
Tolkien criticized the looseness of C. S. Lewis that prompted him to put Santa Claus and a variety of myth traditions in Narnia.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Christmas
Applying “Hichhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” to the nativity scene opens up interesting perspectives on the animals that are present.
Haunting Music of the Other World
Anne Porter shows us how “the fresh truth of children” is central to the Christmas experience.