If they win the Super Bowl, Brady and Belichick will become as legendary in the sports world as that patriot of old, Paul Revere.
Monthly Archives: January 2015
The Miraculous Ride of Tom Brady
Media Is Like White Queen: Scream First
Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, whose hysteria precedes rather than follows traumatic events, anticipates our modern media.
No-Name Women vs. Anti-Abortionists
Maxine Hong Kingston’s “No Name Woman” works as a powerful response to those attempting to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate rape.
The Frolic Architecture of the Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson sees a snow-storm as a master architect and “fierce artificer.”
Medicine Incomplete without Poetry
Medical journals are increasingly including poetry within their pages.
(Limitless Pity Makes All Large & New)
Spiritual Sunday Today’s Old Testament reading is the episode in the Book of Jonah after that conflicted man returns from the whale episode and this time does what God has commanded him to do, which is to prophesy to the people of Nineveh about their wickedness. In the Keith Schlegel poem I have chosen, one […]
Dickens Understood Resentment Well
When resentment threatens to hijack our politics, we would do well to turn to Dickens’ “Little Dorrit.”
Dickens & Our Irresponsible Financiers
“Little Dorrit” is a timely novel about a society plunged into ruin by the shenanigans of financial “wizards.”
Kobe: The Lone Wolf Going Down
Kobe is both like and unlike Akela, the Lone Wolf in “The Jungle Books.”