Christmas at Cohen’s Garage

Gherardo delle Notti, Adoration of the Shepherds

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Monday – Christmas

Here’s a Christmas poem, written by my father, that was probably inspired by Jean Luc Godard’s controversial film Hail Mary. It captures the miracle of Christmas by situating the birth of Jesus in a setting we can relate to. Merry Christmas!

By Scott Bates

They came in on Interstate 93
Past a dozen signs of NO VACANCY

And finally stopped at the Holiday Inn
Where she stayed in the car while he went in

And was politely given the information
They unfortunately had made no advance reservation

And although it was regrettable considering her condition
They were all booked up and in any case had no resident physician

So it was at Cohen’s Garage that it came about
With Cohen and his night man helping out

And some workers from the factory across the street
Bringing in beer and something to eat

And finding the babe wrapped in a tarpaulin
And lying in a station wagon

Between a pickup truck and a Dodge V-8
And staying all night to celebrate

So all in all it was quite a night
And she was relieved that everything went all right

And thought to herself that it could have been worse
And welcomed him into the universe

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