For a change of pace, I offer up some title anagrams, generated by one Ross Daniel Bullen, who tweeted them out recently in honor of Charles Dickens’s birthday. I got all but one but must admit to semi-cheating. I’m familiar with all of his novels (with the exception of Dombey and Son) so I plugged the novels into the letters rather than the other way around.
Still, it took me a while and I had fun doing it. Feel free to knock yourself out. Scroll carefully as I’ve provided the answer key immediately after the list:
10. Banned Sodomy
9. Soviet Twirl
8. Foul Rum Urinated
7. Oily Tush Orthopedics
6. Hake Blouse
5. Ape Excreting Toast
4. Randy Bugbear
3. Lesbian Chick Only
2. Scrotal Charisma
1. Tired Hams
Answer Key:
10) Dombey And Son
9) Oliver Twist
8) Our Mutual Friend
7) The Old Curiosity Shop
6) Bleak House
5) Great Expectations
4) Barnaby Rudge
3) Nicholas Nickleby
2) A Christmas Carol
1) Hard Times