Levertov’s “Annunciation” and a Christmas Eve message.
Tag Archives: "Annunciation"
Mary’s Moment of Choice
Giving Birth, a Leap of Faith
In Merton’s poem about the Annunciation, Mary chooses to bring a child into an uncertain world. That leap of faith is an expression of hope.
Light beyond Sun and Words
Spiritual Sunday Tomorrow being the Annunciation–Christians believe the Holy Spirit visited Mary nine months before December 25–I share a series of poems on the subject by Lucille Clifton, that most motherly of poets. In “a song of mary,” Clifton captures the ordinariness of Mary’s life before Jesus, even as there are princes “sitting on thrones […]
Mary’s Irrational Decision to Have Jesus
As Madeleine L’Engle writes, “Had Mary been filled with reason/There’d been no room for the child.”
Motherhood, an Astounding Ministry
Annunciation, Philippe de Champaigne (1644) Spiritual Sunday Here’s a poem by Denise Levertov for Mother’s Day. I dedicate it to my own mother and to the mother that I’m married to. I also dedicate is to Maurine Holbert-Hogaboom, at whose funeral I read it ten days ago. It was one of her favorites. Levertov imagines […]