Charles Dickens had a tangible impact on how the poor were treated. “Oliver Twist,” “Nicholas Nickleby,” and “Christmas Carol” literally changed public policy. Few other authors can boast so much.
Tag Archives: Christmas Carol
Dickens Improved the Lives of the Poor
Our Christmas Owes Much to Walter Scott
While Charles Dickens can be credited with resurrecting Christmas, Sir Walter Scott paved the way in “Marmion” with his depiction of Christmas and pre-Christmas banquets.
Dickens Returned Christmas to Its Roots
Dickens’ “Christmas Carol” returned the Christmas celebration to its medieval folk roots.
Dickens, We Need You (and Also FDR)
With unemployment insurance set to run out next week, it’s time to invoke Charles Dickens’ “Christmas Carol.” FDR did so.
Are There No Emergency Rooms?
Scrooge asks, “Are there no workhouses?” Today’s GOP asks, “Are there no emergency rooms?”
Compassion for the Poor Is Not Enough
Speaking with the head as well as the heart against oppressive class conditions is necessary in novels as in public policy.
Deficit Plan: No Food Stamps for the Rich
The “New Yorker’s” Hendrik Herzberg has a perfect Anatole France quotation for Republican plans to pay for extending the payroll tax exemption.
Warren Buffett, Dickensian Philanthropist
Warren Buffett’s op-ed article that the wealthy should pay more taxes is reminding me of Charles Dickens’ benevolent philanthropists, especially Mr. Brownlow in “Oliver Twist.”
Obamacare to Tiny Tim’s Rescue
Paul Krugman made clever use of Dickens’ Christmas Carol in a column last week. The New York Times columnist and Nobel prize winning economist addresses opponents of the health care bills that have emerged out of the House and Senate, arguing that progressives should be pleased, despite the bills’ limitations. Arguing that politics is the […]