A Wall Street Journal columnist argues that Rousseau is responsible for today’s lost youth. That and not reading classic lit.
Tag Archives: Classicism
Is Rousseau Ruining Today’s Youth?
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Emile, Gustave Flaubert, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Madame Bovary, Narnia, Paul and Virginia, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Romanticism, Secret Garden, Triumph of Life, young adult literature Comments closed
Marianne’s Passion for Dead Leaves
In “Sense and Sensibility,” Austen gets us to reflect on the attractions and dangers of Nature.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged James Thomson, Jane Austen, Nature, picturesque, Romanticism, Seasons, Sense and Sensibility Comments closed
Romanticism, Classicism, and Football
Peyton Manning Note: I owe the underlying idea for this post to a reader contribution to Stampede Blue, an Indianapolis Colts fan website. I have combed through Stampede Blue’s archives and haven’t been able to locate the original post. If anyone has seen it, I ask that they let me know and I’ll give proper […]
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "I burn my candle at both ends", Edna St. Vincent Millay, Football, Indianapolis Colts, Romanticism, Sports Comments closed