Mystic poet Celan Harkin tries to reimagine God and prayer in “The Worst Thing.”
Tag Archives: God
A Mistake to Put God in the Sky
Your Shadow Makes This Book Glow
Rilke’s “You Come and Go” finds different ways to imagine God.
The Spirit Moves in Continual Creation
In “Chorus,” Elizabeth Jennings finds God in ‘tears shed in the lonely fastness/And in sorrow after anger.”
Where Was God During Sandy Hook?
Elie Weisel helps us understand where God was during the Sandy Hook killings.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit – A Story for Each
Can different members of the Holy Trinity be seen to shape different narratives?
The Intrusion of an Overwhelming Joy
Advent is a time for waiting and listening for a message from God. Jarman describes having once experienced it and feeling driven to find it again.
Out of Near Death, a Vision of Love
Spiritual Sunday Thanks to all of you who wrote this past week following the twin blows of my uncle’s death and news of the severity of Alan’s latest cancer diagnosis. The discussion in response to Thursday’s post about which goes deeper, self or love, brought to the periphery of my mind a catechism in which […]