A poetic reminder, by May Sarton, to remember the good times we spent with our mothers
Tag Archives: Mothers
The Perfect Sonnet for Mother’s Day
Note: If you wish to receive, via e-mail, (1) my weekly newsletter or (2) daily copies of these posts, notify me at [email protected] and indicate which you would like. I promise not to share your e-mail address with anyone. To unsubscribe, send me a follow-up email. Friday With Mother’s Day coming up Sunday, here’s one of the […]
Mothers with a Mind of Their Own
Anyone with an elderly parents–and anyone with a three-year-old–will related to Milne’s “James James Morrison Morrison.”
Penelope Underrated (Like Many Mothers)
In an inspiring essay, a student draws on a long overdue appreciation of her mother to explore Penelope’s heroism in “The Odyssey.”
Motherhood, an Astounding Ministry
Annunciation, Philippe de Champaigne (1644) Spiritual Sunday Here’s a poem by Denise Levertov for Mother’s Day. I dedicate it to my own mother and to the mother that I’m married to. I also dedicate is to Maurine Holbert-Hogaboom, at whose funeral I read it ten days ago. It was one of her favorites. Levertov imagines […]