Adrian Peterson’s mistreatment of his four-year-old son has echoes of the caning described by Rudyard Kipling.
Tag Archives: NFL
Can Raillery Defuse NFL Anger?
Aphra Behn wrestles with novel ways to deal with potential abuse in her play “The Rover.”
Ray Rice, John Wilmot, & Macho Culture
Ray Rice’s fury at his fiancĂ©, like John Wilmot’s distrust of women, shows his inability to move from the world of men to that of women.
The Seahawks: Prepared to Swoop & Kill
The Seattle Seahawks look prepared, once again, to unleash havoc on the other teams in the NFL–like the hawk in a Robert Cording poem.
Austen, Moral Equivocation, and the NFL
My love of the NFL runs me up against some real moral quandaries. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte would understand.
The Skater below the Ice
This wonderful Dacey poem about skating captures the other self we feel is just beyond the horizon–or beneath the ice.
Maybe the Gulfs Will Wash Us Down
Peyton Manning was not Homer’s Odysseus but Tennyson’s Ulysses.
Seahawks: Unleashed, Endlessly Hungry
Mary Oliver’s poem about hunting hawks about sums up last night’s Super Bowl.
Zeus Predicts that Broncos Will Win
A passage in the Odyssey forecasts that Peyton Manning will win the Super Bowl.