For an upcoming talk on growing up in Sewanee TN, I have been rummaging through old scrapbooks. A D. H. Lawrence poem captures some of the emotions I’m experiencing.
Tag Archives: Piano
Caught Up in a Flood of Remembrance
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Childhood, D. H. Lawrence, Nostalgia, Sewanee TN Comments closed
Mixed Emotions about My Alma Mater
To understand my feelings of melancholy when I returned to my alma mater, I turned to poems by Lawrence, Housman, and Dylan Thomas.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Into My Heart an Air that Kills", "Poem in October", A. E. Housman, college reunions, Dylan Thomas, Nostalgia Comments closed
College Reunions: Feeling Understood
College reunions won’t necessarily bury you in regret. They can make you feel less alone.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged college reunions, D. H. Lawrence, Letter to an Imaginary Friend, Nostalgia, Thomas McGrath Comments closed