Teasdale’s lovely poem “Sanctuary” finds other ways than the conventional to put us in touch with God.
Tag Archives: Prayer
Finding Sanctuary within the Self
My Heart Was in My Knees, but No Hearing
Herbert laments that sometimes, when he prays, his words don’t get through to God. And yet he finds peace in the end.
Be Empty and Cry As a Reed Instrument
This Rumi poem explains the mystical power of Ramadan fasting, which begins tomorrow or Tuesday.
Different Ways to Pray
In “Different Ways to Pray,” Naomi Shihab Nye expands the ways we can get in touch with the divine.
Let Go Anger to Apprehend God Is Near
A Scott Cairns Pentecost poem on what it takes to apprehend that God is within us.
Cheer and Tune My Heartless Breast
About prayer, Jesus at one point said to pay as though you are a desperate widow before an indifferent judge. Much of Herbert’s poetry sees God in this light.
God’s Prayer to Us: Live Kindly, Live
James Richardson’s poem “Evening Prayer” urges us not to narrowly constrain God within rules but to see God as something greater.
How Can I Focus My Flickering Mind?
If you have ever found your mind wandering as you knelt to pray, Denise Levertov knows how you feel.