Edgar A. Guest has a fun poem in favor of taxes. And Dickens unloads on those with money who avoid paying them.
Tag Archives: Taxes
Literature on Why Taxes Are Good
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged billionaires, Charles Dickens, Edgar A. Guest, Hard Times, wealth inequality Comments closed
A Poem in Favor of Taxation
Edward Guest’s poem in favor of taxes. Think of paying them as your patriotic duty.
The Tax Man Cometh
“People’s poet” Edgar Guest has a useful poem that, in light of current day heated rhetoric, seems particularly dated. He regards paying taxes as a social good.
Stephen King: Tax Me, Save America
A version of Stephen King’s vision to raise taxes on millionaires (including himself) can be found in those of his novels where individuals collectively battle social fragmentation.
Warren Buffett, Dickensian Philanthropist
Warren Buffett’s op-ed article that the wealthy should pay more taxes is reminding me of Charles Dickens’ benevolent philanthropists, especially Mr. Brownlow in “Oliver Twist.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Charles Dickens, Christmas Carol, Economic hard times, Oliver Twist, politics, Warren Buffett Comments closed