Ross Gay’s “Burial” describes him using his father’s ashes as fertilizer for a plum tree, which becomes a way of freeing him to intermingle with nature.
Tag Archives: Wendell Barry
Ross Gay on Burial and Resurrection
Posted in Uncategorized | Also tagged "Burial", "Testament", Resurrection, Ross Gay | Comments closed
Radical Hope, Love’s Secret Discipline
Two poems for Easter on the power of love over death.
Posted in Uncategorized | Also tagged "Death of Death", "Manifesto The Man Farmer Liberation Front", "What Is Hope", Easter, hope, love, Rubem Alves, Scott Cairns | Comments closed
Coming into the Peace of Wild Things
Wendell Barry’s “Peace of Wild Things” provides a vision that can help counteract what Thomas Merton identifies as the most common form of innate violence: the rush and pressure of modern life.
Posted in Uncategorized | Also tagged "Peace of Wild Things", Michael Glaser, Nature, Spirituality, Thomas Merton | Comments closed