What Shines Now in the Dark of Night?

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich, Adoration of the Shepherds

Spiritual Sunday – Christmas

Rainer Maria Rilke’s “The Birth of Christ” emphasizes the simplicity of the event. “Were you expecting something greater?” the poet asks before observing that God “moves straight through all measurements we know, dissolving them away.”

The theme continues when Rilke observes that the gifts of the Magi are less astonishing than the baby in Mary’s arms. That gift does not “drift for a moment on the air” and “leave behind a vague regret.” That gift is the joy that is remembered forever.

May you all receive a taste of this joy during this holy-day season. Merry Christmas!

The Birth of Christ
By Rainer Maria Rilke
Trans. by H.D. Herter Norton

Without your simplicity, how could this
have happened — what shines now in the dark of night?
The God who thundered over the nations
makes himself mild and through you enters the world

Were you expecting something greater?

What is greatness? He moves straight through
all measurements we know, dissolving them away.
Even the path of a star is not like that.

Behold: these kings standing here are great
and drag into your lap rare treasures
that each believes to be the greatest.

Perhaps you are astonished at their gifts.
But look into the blanket in your arms,
how He already surpasses all of them.

Amber that is traded near and far,
rings of gold and costly spices
that drift for a moment on the air:
these are quickly fading pleasures
and leave behind a vague regret.

The gift He brings — as you will see — is joy.

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