The Oklahoma tornado recalls literature’s most famous tornado in “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Oklahoma Tornado Recalls Dorothy’s
Returning Home to Aging Parents
Marilynne’s Robinson’s novel “Home” captures some of my own experience returning home.
Poems Teach Us to Be Wise
Two young student athletes in my Intro to Literature took important lessons from “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and a Wendell Berry poem.
Look into Thine Heart and Write
Longfellow reenacts the Pentecost in this reflection up his changing relationship to nature.
Comeuppance Fantasy about the Rich
Depressed by the stock market soaring while the economy limps along? Here’s a Great Depression revenge fantasy.
To Know Gatsby Is to Know America
“The Great Gatsby” is about fantasizing. Baz Luhrmann’s new film appears to understand this well.
Antigone Would Bury Boston Bomber
Sophocles and Homer present compelling cases for granting full funeral rights to the Boston Marathon bomber.
Listen Carefully–The Books Are Whispering
I gave a talk last night to Leonardtown, Maryland’s Friends of the Library about—surprise!–“How Literature Can Change Your Life.” It was a busy day, what with writing the talk and turning in final grades and going to one last committee meeting and attending a retirement party (for which I wrote a bit of doggerel) and […]