Do tour guides ever dream of doling out to their chargers what the porters in “Heart of Darkness” do with one of the visiting English?
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Pound’s Description of a Long Marriage
With every passing year of my marriage, which hits 42 years today, my appreciation for Ezra Pound’s “River-Merchant’s Wife” grows.
Opening of Eyes Long Closed
David Whyte assures us that God is here now, not in some indefinite future. We have but to open our eyes.
Satan: Freedom Fighter Turned Dictator
“Paradise Lost” can function as a lesson in how freedom fighters become dictators. It also shows what we must do to resist this tendency.
Swimming with the Water Babies
Swimming with my granddaughters put me in mind of Charles Kingsley’s “Water Babies.” Kingsley helped us enter into the rich imaginative lives of children.
Donne and Climate Change Denial
Somewhat unexpectedly, John Donne’s “Valediction Forbidding Mourning” gives insight into climate change denial.
Poetry Comforts the Mentally Disabled
This “New York Times” article describes how poetry came to the aid of a man with schizoaffective disorder. It also aided his therapist.