For laughs, check out #TrumpBookReport on twitter. I’ve gathered some of the best renditions of Trump reviewing the classics.
Monthly Archives: October 2016
#TrumpBookReports (in 140 characters)
In Defense of The Merchant of Venice
Percy Shelley believes that great art transcends the prejudices of its time, even when it is cloaked in them. If he is right, then “Merchant of Venice” is less of a problem play than many people consider it.
Nobel Laureate Wrote Archetypal Ballads
Among Nobel laureate Bob Dylan’s notable accomplishments is the ability to write archetypal ballads like “Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts.”
Why We Fear Clowns
The recent outbreak of criminal clowns can be explained by combining Freud’s essay on the uncanny and Stephen King’s IT.
The Eternal Doesn’t Want To Be Bent by Us
Rilke draws on the story of Jacob and the Angel in his poem “The Man Watching.” We grow, he writes, by “being defeated, decisively, by constantly greater beings.”
Trump & Mac the Knife, 2 Escape Artists
Donald Trump’s apparent ability to escape unscathed from gaffes and revelations that would sink any other campaign invites comparison with Mac the Knife, John Gay’s glamorous escape artist from “Beggar’s Opera.”
Ahab Obsession and the Clintons
The right wing’s obsession with the Clinton has prompted one pundit to invoke Ahab’s obsession with Moby Dick.