Theorist Peter Brooks contends that it is through novels that we find shape and meaning to our lives.
Monthly Archives: January 2023
To Understand Your Life, Read Novels
“Paradise” Explains Nichols Killing
Toni Morrison’s “Paradise” helps explain why Black policemen would carry out the horrific killing of Tyre Nichols.
Lit in Andre Agassi’s Life
In his autobiography, Agassi cites two literary works that come to his aid at difficult moments.
Lifting for a Little While the Veil
Micah’s instructions and Jesus’s “Sermon on the Mount” function themselves as poems. Guite has his own poem about Jesus’s sermon.
Alice, Victorian Rebel
Lewis Carroll’s Alice books use nonsense to hold off no-nonsense adult society.
Integration’s Child Pioneers
Black children in the early days of integration report intense bullying from peers. Ozeki describes such childhood cruelty in “Tale for the Time Being.”
The Usefulness of “Let’s Pretend”
In “Seduced by Story,” Brooks challenges the idea that literature is meant to be useful. Instead, he says, it resembles play (and then acknowledges that play itself is useful).
Avatar II’s Debt to Moby Dick
Cameron’s “Avatar 2” owes a large debt to “Moby Dick.”
Silko Foresaw Arizona’s Water Crisis
In “Almanac of the Dead” (1991), Silko foresees Arizona’s current water problems.