Trump, like Lear, sets up love tests for followers. South Carolina Sen. Scott recently “passed” in the same way that Goneril and Regan pass.
Monthly Archives: February 2024
Trump’s Love Test Resembles Lear’s
Comforting Children under Attack
A Joseph Fasano poem about attempting to shield children from the horrors of war.
Candide and the Deep State
Members of the MAGA cult resemble the Baron of Thunder-ten-Tronckh in “Candide.”
Pratchett on How Guns Possess Us
Note: If you wish to receive, via e-mail, (1) my weekly newsletter or (2) daily copies of these posts, notify me at [email protected] and indicate which you would like. I promise not to share your e-mail address with anyone. To unsubscribe, send me a follow-up email. Tuesday I’ve been listening to Terry Pratchett fantasy novels as I drive […]
The Gender Battle in Pope’s Card Game
In which I share a talk I am giving on the card game played in “Rape of the Lock.”
The Otherworldly Cry of the Loon
Nemerov’s “Loon’s Cry” searches for the transcendent in our world.
T.S. Eliot Meets Groundhog Day
If the groundhog sees its shadow today, will it fall into existential despair?–which is Eliot’s response to shadows in “The Waste Land.”