Carrying a Candle against the Wind

Joseph the Carpenter

Spiritual Sunday

I love this simple Wendell Berry poem, which functions as a prayer. I pair it up with a favorite painting of mine that gets at the intimate relationship between a father and a son. The loving bond between Joseph and Jesus so moved me as a young father that I framed it and put in my son Darien’s room.  Darien in turn has put it my grandson Alban’s room.

Love keeps the candle alight in the face of the wind.

I know that I have life
only insofar as I have love.

I have no love
except it come from Thee.

Help me, please, to carry
this candle against the wind.

(from This Day: Sabbath Poems Collected & New, 1979-2013, Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2013)

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