Although the late Cormac McCarthy had a very dark vision of humanity, one can find glimpses of hope within his novels.
Tag Archives: All the Pretty Horses
McCarthy: Dark, Occasionally Hopeful
Be Afraid of Trump’s Fear of Being Mocked
Donald Trump is obsessed with the fear of being laughed at, as he revealed once again in vowing non-compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. As Cormac McCarthy shows in “All the Pretty Horses,” such people are capable of unimaginable cruelty.
How To Reflect upon the Death Penalty
Our motivations for executing prisoners too often have little to do with justice. Cormac McCarthy understands this well in “All the Pretty Horses.”
Father-Daughter Separation Dramas
My wonderful daughter-in-law Betsy, in response to one of my posts about father-son relationships, began meditating about father-daughter relationships on her own blog. We agreed that, while the dynamics are different, in one way they are similar: daughters like sons must establish separate identities, a process that is difficult and often involves a struggle. […]