Having literature always playing in the back of your mind causes the world to pulsate with meaning.
Tag Archives: Aphra Behn
Literature Fills Your Life with Color
Behn’s Comedy Masks Feminist Protest
Aphra Behn’s 1677 play “The Rover” hides its feminist protest within a comic form.
Sexual Misconduct in the Classics
A sexual misconduct course required of all employees got me thinking of problematic situations in the books that I teach.
Can Raillery Defuse NFL Anger?
Aphra Behn wrestles with novel ways to deal with potential abuse in her play “The Rover.”
The Minefield of Talking about Race
More thoughts on how to address difficult questions of race, again with the help of Aphra Behn.
Race Disagreements amongst Friends
The intricacies of the debate between Chait and Coates on the culture of poverty can be sorted out by applying Aphra Behn’s “Oroonoko.”
A 17th Century Comedy Addressing Rape
The Right Wing’s “war on women” is affecting the way my students read Aphra Behn.
Behn & Friendships across Race Lines
Recalling an interracial friendship from my days in my newly integrated high school, I turn to Aprha Behn’s “Oroonoko” to understand why such friendships are so difficult, even for the best intentioned people.
Aphra Behn, Relationship Counselor
I’ve been reading essays for my Restoration and 18th Century Couples Comedy class and, as always, am finding new dimensions in the works as I look at them through the students’ eyes. Aprha Behn’s comedy The Rover has proved particularly illuminating. Three essays written on the play focused on its romantic relationships. Florinda and Belvile […]