To understand role poets can play in fighting climate change, go back to the Romantics and especially “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”
Tag Archives: climate change
Manchin Delivers a Lump of Coal
Two Scott Bates environmental Christmas poems are helping me cope with depression over the failure of the Build Back Better bill.
The Tornadoes and America’s Fairy Tale
The Kentucky tornadoes bring to mind the cyclone in “Wizard of Oz.”
Hurricane Ida and Murakami’s 1Q84
Comparing Hurricane Id’s damage with a supernatural rainstorm in Murakami’s “1Q84” leads to interesting climate observations.
Aslan as Eco Warrior
Lewis’s Aslan is a bold creative stroke that opens up environmental possibilities for Christianity.
Poets and Climate Change’s 5-Alarm Fire
Literature has a role to play in the fight against climate change. Coleridge early on showed us how.
Hydrocarbons Are Our Dark Satanic Mills
Blake’s “Jerusalem” can be read as a challenge to oppose the forces of climate change that threaten our beautiful country.
Ragnarok, an Extreme Weather Event
Gaiman’s account of the Norse apocalypse Ragnarok comes close to describing a world destroyed by climate change.
How to Overlook 200,000 Deaths
Donne’s “Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” captures why America might be overlooking 200,000 deaths at the moment.