In her new book about Biblical healing stories, Hess uses the Gospel’s narrative richness to address issues of depression.
Tag Archives: doubting Thomas
The Stone Is Rolled–I’m Whole, I’m Held
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Wounds, Sacred Place of Mutual Compassion
Like Doubting Thomas, in touching Christ’s wounds we touch our own. So says Father Philip Chircop SJ in his poem “Invitation.”
Alone on the Surface of a Turning Planet
Spiritual Sunday Reprinted from April 15, 2012 The Gospel reading for today’s Episcopalian/Anglican liturgy is the very human story of Thomas, who refused to believe reports that Jesus was alive. “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand […]
A Vast Unfolding Design Lit by a Risen Sun
Denise Levertov’s magnificent poem about Doubting Thomas graphically describes the doubts, making the final revelation all the more powerful.
Touching the Wounded God
Malcolm Guite’s “Sonnet for St. Thomas the Apostle” celebrates the urge to touch God.
Tormented, Torn & Twisted with Doubt
In Levertov’s poem on St. Thomas, she links his doubts with that of the father of the demon-possessed son who comes to Jesus.