Tag Archives: Fyodor Dostoevsky

Facing the Terrors of Freedom & Joy

In “St. Peter and the Angel,” Levertov notes that divine revelation is only the first step.

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Dostoevsky’s Near Death Experience (NDE)

Dostoevsky’s description of an epileptic fit is only recently being confirmed by science.

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The Founders vs. Dostoyevsky’s Inquisitor

Christian nationalists have the same objections to democracy that Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor has to Christ’s vision.

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Ukraine: What Would Leo and Fyodor Do?

Dostoevsky and Tolstoy’s novels work as indictments of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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The Stone Is Rolled–I’m Whole, I’m Held

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Just How Dangerous Is Fiction?

Peter Brooks’s new book, “Seduced by Story,” raises the issue of fiction’s role in horrors.

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First They Came for Toni Morrison, Then…

In the right attacks Toni Morrison novels, does this mean that Homer, Dostoevsky, Milton, and Sophocles are next?

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The Great Books as Assimilation Manual

Phuc Tran’s “Sigh, Gone” describes how great literature helped him negotiate a difficult immigrant experience.

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Literature’s Unique Spiritual Insights

An extended reflection upon the relationship between religion and literature.

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