In which I pull on Kenyon, Dylan Thomas, Conrad, Chandler, Lawrence and others in an attempt to penetrate the mysteries of dying.
Tag Archives: "Fern Hill"
Going Gently into That Good Night–Or Not
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Do Not Go Gentle", "Fern Hill", "In Blackwater Woods", "Let Evening Come", Big Sleep, D. H. Lawrence, death and dyiing, Dylan Thomas, Heart of Darkness, Jane Kenyon, Joseph Conrad, Mary Oliver, Raymond Chandler, Sons and Lovers Comments closed
Sleeping Outdoors
Poetry adds an extra dimension to sleeping outdoors.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Adam's Curse", "Fern Hill", "Poem in October", "Sleeping in the Forest", "Song of the Open Road", "Stopping by the Woods on a Showy Evening", After Apple-Picking, Anam Cara, Dylan Thomas, John O'Donohue, Mary Oliver, Nature, Robert Frost, sleep, Walt Whitman, William Butler Yeats Comments closed