Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo” works as a Lenten meditation on the beauty of God’s grace.
Tag Archives: Gerard Manley Hopkins
How to Keep Beauty from Vanishing Away
Wrestling with (My God!) My God
The story of Jacob wrestling with the angel finds powerful expression in Gerard Manley’s Hopkins’ “Carrion Comfort.”
As Kingfishers Catch Fire
Gerard Manley Hopkins tells us how to access the god within ourselves.
Why Literary Suffering Made Plato Nervous
Plato worried that Greek tragedy causes us to act irrationally.
A Harvest Love Poem to God
Spiritual Sunday Here is a harvest poem that moves quickly from an actual harvest (in the first line) to a heavenly one. The clouds are like sacks of grain, their meal drifting across the skies, and we can gaze upward and glean them with our eyes. As Gerald Manley Hopkins sees it, God reveals himself […]
Christian Nazis Seeking to Be Cleansed
I learned this past summer how, following the Holocaust, a number of former Nazis were able to embrace Christianity without their churches expecting them to repent. It sounds as though some of these men were able to feel cleansed of their sins without doing much in the way of serious soul searching. The issue raises […]
The Grandeur of God
Spiritual Sunday Julia and I have been in Davis, California seeing our son this past week (he is a graduate student in English at the university there) and took the occasion to visit Big Basin Redwoods State Park. As I walked through the silence of the forest and gazed up in awe at the mammoth […]