A Rumi parable speaks to the recent killings in Kuwait City and Charleston. It shares certain themes with Barack Obama’s Friday eulogy to Reverend Pinckney.
Tag Archives: Ramadan
The First Day of the Feast Has Come
A Rumi poem capturing the joy that is represented by the Ramadan feast.
A New Song Comes out of the Fire
A Rumi poem for Ramadan, which begins next Saturday.
The Spirit’s Table Has Arrived from Heaven
In this Ramadan poem by Rumi, fasting is seen as a way of escaping the body.
Like a Reed, Open Yourself to God’s Breath
Rumi says that Ramadan is a time when, by emptying our bellies, we open up a path to spirit.
Stretch Your Nets to Harvest the Fog
When one has been fasting for Ramadan, one becomes attuned to spiritual dimensions of the world that elude our full-bellied selves. Kazim Ali captures the experience in a number of his poems.
The Hunger Inside You, Hold It
American Muslim poet Kazim Ali explores the spiritual dimensions of fasting in his poetry collection “Fasting for Ramadan.”
Ramadan – The Self Lightens
Poet Nomi Stone, while studying an ancient Jewish community in Tunisia, also attempted to understand the Muslim neighbors. “Many Scientists Convert to Islam” describes her exploration of Ramadan.
God’s Plenitude: A Nest Full of Stars
Spiritual Sunday Recently I asked Ugandan Farida Bag, a regular reader of this website, whether it was appropriate to wish her a Happy Ramadan, the month-long Islamic observance that started this past week. She sent back the following lovely letter, along with a food poem. Farida’s appreciation of the poem serves as evidence that the […]