“Oh to be in England now that April’s here”–and not in Italy, with its gaudy melon flowers!
Tag Archives: Robert Browning
For England, Buttercup > Melon Flower
Browning Describes Incel’s Misogyny
The Toronto van murderer claims to have been an “incel” (involuntary celibate) who acted out his rage against women. He resembles the creepy speaker in Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover.”
Trump as Browning’s Pied Piper
Charlie Pierce of “Esquire” makes good use of Robert Browning’s “Pied Piper of Hamelin” to describe Donald Trump’s con job. Then he imagines the tables turned and Trump as the deceitful major who stiffs his employee.
Derby Day: We Galloped All Three
It’s Derby Day so here’s a horse racing poem with galloping anapests (three-beat poetic feet, unstressed, unstressed, stressed). Unfortunately, two of the horses don’t make it to the finish line. At least the third horse is suitably rewarded. This 1834 Robert Browning poem is not based on an actual event, but it’s a lot of fun.
A Poem for Every Playoff Team
Sports Saturday For the football games this weekend, I found a passage from a poem or passage from a poem that pertains to the name of each team. Enjoy. Atlanta Falcons vs. Green Bay Packers The high-flying Atlanta Falcons boast, among other things, the incomparable receiver Roddy White, who soars skyward to pull down passes. […]