Clifton’s “i am running into a new year” works as a Rosh Hashanah poem.
Tag Archives: Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah: Running into a New Year
Poems for Judaism’s High Holy Days
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The Light You Seek Hides in Your Belly
Piercy’s Rosh Hashanah poem uses new moon symbolism to powerful effect.
Who Has Begotten the Drops of Dew?
To celebrate Rosh Hashanah, I share this Anthony Hecht poem about his son Adam, who needs the reassurance that God’s Adam once needed.
Let My Words Turn into Sparks
In this Marge Piercy Rosh Hashanah poem, the poet asks how she has contributed to peace.
Rosh Hashanah – A Stirring of Wonder
Two poems, by Muriel Rukeyser and Denise Levertov, to celebrate Rosh Hashanah by
Theoretically, a Season for Everything
The soul, says Amichai Yehuda in this Rosh Hashanah poem, knows that, for everything there is a season. The body, on the other hand, gets the seasons all muddled up.
Rosh Hashanah: Weave Real Connections
Marge Piercy poem about gardens functions as a reflection upon how we spend out time and work. It’s appropriate, in other words, for Rosh Hashanah.