The Miami Heat were beaten by a heat-assisted San Antonio team in the first game of the playoffs. Here’s an H.D. poem about heat.
Tag Archives: Sports
Miami Heat Stymied by Heat
Titanic Struggles, on the Court & at Home
This moving David Rivard poem shows how a moment in basketball can symbolically capture a contentious father-son relationship.
The End of Every Fan’s Desire
Orioles manager Buck Showalter lived his childhood in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and brings to mind an old Franklin Adams baseball poem.
For Sterling, Waves Came Crashing In
Collective player anger may have led to the NBA’s harsh punishment for Clippers owner Don Sterling. Lucille Clifton has a poem about the power of collective black action.
NBA Playoffs: Daphne Chases Apollo
Like the topsy-turvy forest in “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” the NBA playoffs are witnessing strange reversals.
Asphalt Court Dreams
Asphalt court basketball players dream of the spotlight.
Is Tiger, Like Sherlock, Presumed Dead?
Sherlock Holmes had an unexpected second act. Can Tiger Woods have one as well?
Bat Waits for Ball to Mate
The start of the baseball season calls for this fine May Swenson poem.
The Call of the Steel Hoop
Celebrate March Madness with this “transcendent moment in sports” poem.