When compared to people called “dotard” in Chaucer and Shakespeare, Trump fits the insult hurled at him by Kim Jong-un. His statement to African leaders, meanwhile, makes him sound like a “Heart of Darkness” ivory trader.
Tag Archives: Wife of Bath
Trump in Chaucer, Shakespeare & Conrad
Chaucer’s Wife, an Early Gaslighter
Donald Trump’s non-ending falsehoods have sometimes been described as “gaslighting,” after the old Charles Boyer-Ingrid Bergman film. An early literary example of a gaslighter is Chaucer’s Wife of Bath, although her use of the tactic is far more justifiable.
The Wife of Bath & U.S. Race Wars
A racial flair-up at our college has given me an opportunity to stress the relevance of the Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale. Like our African American students, she too feels disrespected. One has to dig beneath her seeming confidence to realize how vulnerable she feels, however.
The V-Word: Casting Hillary as Duessa
The rightwing attacks on female sexuality have a long tradition, going back to Pliny the Elder, and include Chaucer, Spenser, and Milton. Expect the tradition to continue if Hillary Clinton is elected president.
Old Lit as a Transformational Experience
The power of a “King Lear” passage is a refutation of Scott Walker’s attempt to redirect higher education to “work force needs.”
Warning Labels for the Classics
Suggestions that certain classics come with “trigger warnings” leads of the following reflection.
Lit’s 10 Most Painful Marriage Proposals
Literature 10 most painful marriage proposals.
Lit’s 10 Strongest Female Characters
Who are literature’s ten strongest female characters? Here’s my list.