Sometimes art holds a mirror up to life, sometimes life imitates art. Wednesday’s story of exotic animals on the rampage in Zanesville, Ohio had me thinking we were in the middle of the John Irving novel Letting the Bears Loose. The story, in case you missed it, involved the owner of an exotic animal preserve […]
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Letting the Bears Loose in Zanesville
No Man Is an Island (Not Even Revis)
New York Jet Darrelle Revis may be single man island who can shut down any receiver who comes near, but ultimately he must acknowledge, like John Donne, that no man is an island.
An Austen Dinner for the Ages
On Sunday my Jane Austen First Year Seminar students came to my housefor a meal that we took out of the “Jane Austen Cookbook.” The meal took two days to prepare and four people to serve.
My Memories of a Mountain Writer
May Justus, an Appalachian author who wrote children’s books and poetry, has a great poem about windy weather. Recalling it recently brought back other memories of this remarkable woman.
May a Path of Moonlight Bring You Home
John O’Donohue’s “Bennacht (Blessing)” tells us that if we live in the world mindfully, the world will sustain us through the dark times.
Feeling the Fission of a Hollywood Star
Judy Grahn sees our Hollywood stars as modern day Helen of Troys and explores their power over us.
Jane Austen and “Occupy Wall Street”
In “Mansfield Park” Jane Austen calls out the irresponsible wealthy in ways that the Occupy Wall Street protests would approve.