“Vertigo” is a film about how we are driven by desire and how to achieve it is to lose it.
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Why Did Vertigo Top Citizen Kane at #1?
School Band, Disharmony of the Spheres
Celebrating the agreement between the Chicago teachers and the city, here’s a humorous poem about school band.
Dragon Billionaires Assaulting America
Mitt Romney’s characterization of 47% of the American public as people who won’t take responsibility for their lives signals that he is a dragon in the Beowulf mode.
The Terrible Beauty of Political Fanatics
In “Easter, 1916,” Yeats gives us a framework for understanding the ambivalence of Muslim moderates towards protesters.
How Right Wing Would Respond to Tess
Tess of the D’Urbervilles puts a human face on the dilemmas of rape victims. Romney/Ryan, take note.
How Rosh Hashanah Is Like Swimming
Poet Enid Shomer describes Rosh Hashanah as a swimmer beginning on the surface but eventually sinking deep within the water/rituals.
Calling on Beowulf in the Middle East
Middle Eastern leaders could learn from Beowulf–and so could Mitt Romney–as they deal with anti-American riots.
Citizen Romney–Is There Anything Inside?
Mitt Romney, like Citizen Kane, is a cipher. What drives him other than a desire to appear big?
Books That Have Shaped America
The Library of Congress names 91 books that shaped America.