Last week, while discussing “The Tempest,” we experienced a literal tempest. Expect cold temperatures today as I’m teaching “Eve of St. Agnes.”
Monthly Archives: February 2014
Using Lit to Predict the Weather
Prospero’s Magic, a Model for Fantasy Lit
“The Tempest” fits magically into a fantasy course.
Memorializing Gay Martyrs in Poetry
Uganda’s new anti-gay legislation reminds me of a Mark Doty poem about a Bangor, Maine killing 30 years ago.
In Defense of Arcane Scholarship
Disciplines may engage in arcane language but they provide the foundation out of which exciting insights emerge.
“Everybody Wants a Black Man’s Life”
Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon” offers a vision of hope for targeted black teens.
Cain: A Positive Way Past Collective Guilt
Nazi perpetrators who turned to Christianity avoided true contrition. Both the story of Cain and “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show how to really get right with God.
Women Hockey Players in a State of Nature
A Robert Bly prose poem about hockey to celebrate the exciting Olympics metal rounds.
The Super Rich: Great Gatsby Redux
Many of today’s billionaires are as paranoid as Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby.”
Out of Denialism and into Responsibility
Denialism such as we are seeing with regard to climate change is well describe in “All the King’s Men.”