Rightwing attacks on reproductive rights have their antecedents in the moralistic judgments of Mr. Collins and Mary Bennet in “Pride and Prejudice.”
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Mr. Collins and the Right’s War on Women
Sir Gawain & the ISIS Beheadings
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” helps us understand the horror we feel at the ISIS beheadings.
Children Wrestling with Faith & Doubt
Alice Munro’s “Age of Faith” is a powerful portrait of how children turn to God–and also why they turn away.
Longing for Grace in the Face of Chaos
Howard Nemerov’s 1975 ambivalence about televised football anticipates our own mixed feelings today.
Test Your Knowledge of Jane Austen
A quiz to test your knowledge of Jane Austen novels.
Happy Birthday, Phoebe Strehlow Bates
My mother’s birthday is today–and because 89 is the new 75, here’s a Robert Service poem on his 75th birthday.
Marc Antony for the Prosecution
Federal court judge Thomas Thrash, Jr., drawing on years of experience as a trial lawyer, explains why Marc Antony makes a better case than Brutus does.
The Violins of Autumn
I still remember memorizing, as a child in a French school, Paul Verlaine’s deliciously sad “Chanson d’automne.”
Gillibrand & Montagu vs. Senate Sexism
How should Kirsten Gillibrand have responded to sexual harassment by fellow senators? Lady Mary Wortley Montagu provides a good model.