The story of Jesus healing an unclean gentile reminds us all to welcome the stranger. Blake shows us the heaven that awaits when we do.
Monthly Archives: September 2018
Welcome Stranger to This Place
Jack Burden, We Need You on Kavanaugh
The GOP is currently hiding Judge Kavanaugh’s past in the George W. Bush White House. Needed is Jack Burden from “All the King’s Men.”
Trump Scandal as Comedy of Manners
White House scandals are coming into the open. William Wycherley could write a Restoration comedy about it all.
Federer and Father Time
In which I compare Federer’s upset loss to the final stage of an up and down disease, such as that described in Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons.”
McCain, GOP, Millennials & Cuchulain
The Yeats poem “Cuchulain’s Fight with the Sea,” invoked to memorialize John McCain, works as an allegory of how the GOP is losing millennials.
Langston Hughes on the Dignity of Work
Langston Hughes understood working men and women as well as anyone, as his poem “Brass Spittoons” demonstrates.
Finding God in Nature
John Gatta’s book “Making Nature Sacred” explores how nature spirituality entered into America’s religions and was noted by its creative writers.