In an essay calling Chinese activist Chow Hang Tung “the Antigone of Hong Kong,” Wendy Gan compares herself to Ismene.
Monthly Archives: January 2024
Are You an Antigone or an Ismene?
A Cold Coming We Had of It
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The Dream of Acting with Impunity
In thinking he can act with total impunity, Trump echoes H.G. Wells’s Invisible Man.
SCOTUS’s Return to The Jungle
The rightwing Supreme Court is threatening to gut the regulatory agencies, set in motion years ago by a novel (Sinclair’s “Jungle”).
Oliver: With Intense Cold Comes Honesty
Mary Oliver says that cold can force us to get real.
The Wonder of First Snow
Mary Oliver captures the wonder of a first snowfall.
The Stable Is Our Heart
L’Engle’s “Into the Darkest Hour” promises hope when everything is falling apart.
Florida School Pulls Paradise Lost
A Florida County has pulled “Paradise Lost” from the shelves. It’s true that the work has “sexual content.”