Another MAGA pastor has been indicted for sexual abuse. Goldsmith’s comic poem “Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog” puts the sanctimonious in their place.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
What Makes a Nation Strong? Not Fascism
Emerson’s “A Nation’s Strength” is must reading in this time of trial.
Caught Up in a Flood of Remembrance
For an upcoming talk on growing up in Sewanee TN, I have been rummaging through old scrapbooks. A D. H. Lawrence poem captures some of the emotions I’m experiencing.
Percy Shelley’s Cry for Freedom
“England in 1819,” written to protest George III and the Peterloo Massacre, sounds all too relevant today.
A Mary Oliver Poem for Lent
Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese” works as a Lenten poem but departs from medieval notions of what Lent involves.
Middlemarch and Trump vs. Expertise
Incompetence wins out over expertise in Eliot’s “Middlemarch.” And so it is proving to be the case in the Trump administration.
Beowulf’s Advice for Battling Depression
Beowulf’s advice for battling dragon depression: don’t go it alone, which itself is a dragon trait.
Böll on Desperately Clinging to the Past
Heinrich Böll’s “Christmas Not Just Once a Year” captures the yearning to return to the past that animates many Trump supporters.