On Election Night 2024, I turned to a subplot in Shakespeare’s “Tempest” to understand what was going on.
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On Election Night 2024, The Tempest
To Survive Trump, Be Like Lizzie
How to survive Trumpism’s anticipated assaults on democracy? Reading Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” is a good place to start.
A Florida County Targeted Paradise Lost
Milton’s Paradise Lost, banned by a Florida County this past year, exposes the hypocrites who have taken it off school library shelves.
Unexpected Responses to a Murder
An African American’s response to the killing of Healthcare Insurance CEO Brian Thompson echoes one found in “Midnight’s Children” following the killing of Gandhi.
The Real Story of Christmas
Scott Bates points out the multicultural aspects of the Nativity in “Christmas at the Courthouse.”
Blog Fragments Shored against My Ruins
In which apply a line from T.S. Eliot’s “Waste Land” to this very blog and suddenly understand the project in a new way.
Memories of Being Read To
This Scott Bates Christmas poem celebrates reading together before an open fire. Many of the children’s classics I grew up with, it so happens, have an environmental theme.