The Finn episode in Beowulf applies only to well to the Hamas terror attack on Israel–and to the probable Israeli response.
Tag Archives: 9-11
Finn, Hengest, and Terror in Israel
Clifton’s Spiritual Meditations on 9-11
In spiritual meditations on 9-11, Lucille Clifton draws both on her own faith and other faith traditions to find hope.
Remembering 9-11 in Poetry
On September 11, 2001 and for six days after, Lucille Clifton wrote a series of poems reflecting on the meaning of the attack.
Poem for Remembering 9-11
WisÅ‚awa Szymborska’s poem about the “falling man” is one of the most memorable commemorations of 9-11.
Stephen King & the War for America’s Soul
In “The Stand,” Stephen King sees the dark and the light fighting for control of America’s soul. His book had the Vietnam War in mind but it is also applicable to future policy in the Middle East.
I Walk among the Rubbled Tales
To commemorate 9-11, I post Derek Walcott’s “A City’s Death by Fire,” written about another disaster. Walcott finds the hope of baptismal renewal amongst the destruction.
When a Man’s Partner Is Killed . . .
What literary work does one turn to when justice is finally accomplished against the architect of of 9-11? Andrew Sullivan of the Daily Dish suggests the following quotation from Dashiel Hammet’s Maltese Falcon.