Rich’s “Final Notification” can be read as an Advent poem, a resistance to and then final surrender to God’s will.
Tag Archives: Advent
Advent as a Final Notification
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When the Light Knocks on the Door
Gwendolyn Brooks’s poem “truth” dramatizes the conflict between disturbing hope and familiar darkness. Think of it as an Advent poem.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Light that came to lucille clifton", Gwendolyn Brooks, hope, John Donne, Lucille Clifton, T. S. Eliot, Truth, Waste Land Comments closed
Mary and the Threefold Terror of Love
Yeats’ “Mother of God” is a good poem for the third Sunday in Advent.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Among School Children", "Mother of God", Virgin Mary, W. B. Yeats Comments closed
Light in a Time of Darkness
Allan Boesak’s “Advent Credo” reminds us that Advent is a time of radical hope.
A Shadow Falls, the Book Glows
As we enter a season of darkness, this Rilke poem reminds us to listen for the numinous.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "You Come and Go", Dante, Inferno, Rainer Maria Rilke Comments closed
Mary Sang in This World Below
Tolkien’s poem “Noel” celebrates Mary’s “Magnificat.”
Thou Cam’st a Little Baby Thing
George MacDonald’s “That Holy Thing” dramatically makes the point that God doesn’t show up in our lives as we expect or think we want.
Recovering a Child’s Sense of Wonder
In this Christmas tree poem, T.S. Eliot seeks to reconnect with his childhood sense of wonder.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Cultivation of Christmas Trees", Christmas, Christmas trees, St. Lucy, T. S. Eliot, Waste Land Comments closed
When the Maker of the Stars Was Born
In this Advent poem, L’Engle reminds us to sing, not in spite of times being dark, but BECAUSE times are dark.