The politics in “King Lear” are currently being played out in attempts to sabotage negotiations with Iran.
Tag Archives: Barack Obama
Lear’s Lesson: Dividing Leads to War
An Inspiring Speech Draws Upon Poetry
Obama drew powerfully from James Baldwin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Langston Hughes, and Walt Whitman in his Selma speech.
Is It Time to Bring Out Twain’s War Prayer?
The GOP and Netanyahu are trying to sabotage Obama’s negotiations with Iran. Could Mark Twain’s “War Prayer” knock some sense into them?
The Virtues of a True Conservative
Anthony Trollope’s thoughtful critiques of progressives can lead to constructive dialogues between conservatives and progressives.
Invisible Men (and Women) No Longer
Immigrants coming out of the shadows recall Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, who also emerges from darkness.
Hunkering Down in Hard Times
When your side loses in an election, be like Mary Oliver’s blue heron: hunker down, absorb the blows, and keep the fire of hope burning.
The Race Projection behind the Killings
Projection helps explain many of the killings of unarmed young black men. Ralph Ellison is an expert on how projection works.
Obama Is No King Lear (Thank Goodness!)
Those who want more militaristic posturing in our foreign policy should contemplate King Lear’s posturing.
GOP Denies a Giant Problem
Faced with climate change denialism, Obama has been forced to take executive action. Jonathan Swift would understand.