Trump’s executive order banning trans from the military has been described as Pecksniffian, an allusion to the villain in Dickens’s “Martin Chuzzlewit.”
Tag Archives: Charles Dickens
Trump’s Pecksniffian Trans Ban
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald Trump, Martin Chuzzlewit, transexuality, U.S. military Leave a comment
Pickwickian Anger at Dems’ Surrender
As I watch Democrats surrendering to Trump in advance, I am as appalled as Mr. Pickwick is when he watches his lawyer praise opposing counsel.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Chris Hayes, Pickwick Papers, surrendering in advance, Trumpism Comments closed
Jo, Nell, Tiny Tim Needed Vaccines
Victorian lit is filled with scenes of children dying of diseases we now have cures for. Does Trumpism want to go back to those days?
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Birds' Christmas Carol, Bleak House, Charlotte Bronte, Christmas Carol, disease, Jane Eyre, Jay Battacharya, Kate Wiggins, Mehmet Oz, Old Curiosity Shop, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Comments closed
Responding to the Verdict: Trump & Fagin
How did Trump feel as the verdict was delivered? Perhaps like Fagin in “Oliver Twist.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald Trump, Justice, Manhattan Trump trial, Oliver Twist Comments closed
Literature on Why Taxes Are Good
Edgar A. Guest has a fun poem in favor of taxes. And Dickens unloads on those with money who avoid paying them.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged billionaires, Edgar A. Guest, Hard Times, Taxes, wealth inequality Comments closed
GOP Politicians as Dickens Villains
Certain GOP pols are behaving like Dickens villains when it comes to the poor.
Pachinko and the Miracle of Teaching
Min Jin Lee’s “Pachinko” has a scene that goes to the heart of literature teaching.