Ambrose Bierce’s disturbing short story “Chickamauga” can be applied to climate change denialsm.
Tag Archives: climate change
Civil War Battle, Image of Climate Denial
Climate Scientists, Our Cassandras
Our climate scientists must feel like modern day Cassandras, as she appears in Aeschylus’s “Agamemnon” or Robinson Jeffers’s “Cassandra.” The prophetess knew what would happen but no one believed her. As a result, Troy fell.
Finding Beauty in Ravaged Landscapes
In “Gift of Gravity,” Wendell Berry finds beauty even in ravaged landscapes. But is there a limit to how much of a devastated landscape he could learn to love?
Our Children Will Reproach Us
If we fail to take adequate measures to stave off catastrophic climate change, our children and grandchildren will see sea levels rise by three meters by the century’s end. Lucille Clifton has a poem that describes how they would regard us.
Oh the Ice Will Split and the Cities Be Hit
As we receive news that the Antarctic ice sheet is less stable than we thought and that we could be facing catastrophic sea level rise in the next century, China MiĆ©ville’s nightmare vision of a polluted city in “Perdido Street Station” is a wake-up call.
Literature and Climate Change
Thoughts about the genre label “cli-fi” and an annotated list of past posts about literature and climate change.