In his 1909 novella “The Machine Stops,” E.M. Forster all be predicts the internet, Zoom, and Facebook, along with their downsides.
Tag Archives: COVID-19
Austen-Like Dating During Covid
Covid is disrupting our dating lives but may as a result have an up-side. Kundera, John Fowles, and Jane Austen explain.
Trump Finds Covid Victims a Nuisance
Trump focusing on his own misery while ignoring the millions suffering from Covid is comparable to the French marquis in “Tale of Two Cities.”
Scott Atlas, a Fieldingesque Quack
Fielding’s jabs at quack doctors in “Tom Jones” are suddenly relevant again given Trump’s approach to the pandemic.
Scott Atlas’s Miracle Covid Cure
Radiologist Scott Atlas has Trump’s ear about Covid, with disastrous implications. Perhaps he thinks he’s Charles Atlas or the Atlas in “Atlas Shrugged.”
Trump & Covid: Tragedy or Farce?
Was the Rose Garden event for Trump’s new SCOTUS pick–which became a Covid superspreader event–a Shakespearean tragedy? How about a farce?
How to Overlook 200,000 Deaths
Donne’s “Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” captures why America might be overlooking 200,000 deaths at the moment.