As we enter a season of darkness, this Rilke poem reminds us to listen for the numinous.
Tag Archives: Dante
A Shadow Falls, the Book Glows
Expressing Thanks Is Its Own Reward
Thanks giving is not (as Milton’s Satan) contends, a burdensome debt but the key to deep joy.
Dante’s Version of Heaven on Earth
In talking to Solomon in Paradiso, Dante gets a new vision of heaven on earth.
Philip Pullman’s Unorthodox Afterlife
In “Amber Spyglass,” Pullman rebels against orthodox versions of the afterlife and creates his own.
Homer, Virgil, Dante and the Afterlife
Literary afterlives, such as we encounter in Homer, Virgil, and Dante, are as much about this world as the next.
Halloween Horrors in the Aeneid
For Halloween, check out the monsters who greet Aeneas on his way to the underworld.
St. Francis: Made for Beauty
St. Francis radically changed the way we see beauty and ourselves in relationship to beauty.
Man of Property and the Dobbs Decision
In Galsworthy’s “Man of Property,” Soames sees his wife as property. With its Dobbs decision, meanwhile, the Supreme Court sees women similarly.
Do Not Stand by My Grave and Weep
As Slovenes this past week visited the graves of those who have passed on, I thought of Frye’s poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.”